
A cataloging and examination of terms and definitions in astronautics (spaceflight). This is a task in the Astonautical Knowledge Modeling project, and related ontology projects by Robert Rovetto.

View the Project on GitHub rrovetto/Astronautics-Terminology

About the Catalog of Spaceflight Terminology

This work is a living catalog of broad but key terms (and their definitions from various sources) associated with the disciplines of astronautics (spaceflight) and to lesser degree astronomy. The former includes space situational awareness (SSA), space sustainability, space policy & law, and space traffic management and coordination.

The project will provide a living comparative analysis toward products and recommendations for the community, aiming for terminological synchronization, semantic interoperability, and conceptual model development. Example terms includes: ‘astronautics’, ‘spaceflight’, ‘orbital debris’, ‘ssa’, ‘stm’, ‘space’, ‘spacecraft’, ‘orbit’, etc. Contact here. Example sources include aerospace dictionaries, standards organizations documents, space agency docs., etc.


Photo of the catalog of spaceflight terms

Broader applicability & Associated projects



Support - How you can help

If you find value in this work, please formally support it to sustain development:

Author & Developer

Robert J. Rovetto - Schedule, hire, or purchase services or Contact.

Concept Engineer - Knowledge representation/modeling, Formal ontology, Terminology, Research, Philosophy. Relevant Activity & Output:

©2023, Robert J. Rovetto. All right reserved. Not authorized for commercial use unless explicitly negotiated with the author. Citation/attribution required. No warranty. Presented “AS IS”. Author and copyright holder is not liable. All content, work and products are subject to revision. No claims to completeness.